Current Year Plenary Sessions

To view each of the speaker's presentation, click on the hyperlinks below (where available).


Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Prairie Grain Development Committee. The views and opinions of Plenary Session speakers expressed herein are solely those of the speakers, and publication of these on the PGDC website does not constitute an endorsement of these views by the Prairie Grain Development Committee, its members, or the organizations they represent.


2024 Annual Meeting Plenary Session

Plant Breeding Tools: Where we were, where we are, where we are going...

8:30 to 12:00 pm Wednesday, February 28, 2024

[Download Plenary PDF ]

1. Welcome - Sheri Strydhorst, PGDC Executive - Chair
  • First Call for nominations for PGDC Executive “Member-at-Large (Terms of Reference)
2. Retiree Recognitions
  • Second Call for nominations for PGDC Executive “Member-at-Large” (Terms of Reference)
3. Plant Breeding Tools - Where we were, where we are, where we are going…
  1. Integrating Traditional and Molecular Tools
    • Dr. Curtis Pozniak, Crop Development Centre - University of Saskatchewan
  2. Gene Editing - New and optional tools to integrate into breeding programs
    • Dr. Jaswinder Singh, McGill University
  3. Questions/Discussion
Third Call for nominations for PGDC Executive “Member-at-Large” (Terms of Reference)

Bio-break and Networking

Plant Breeding Tools - Economics and Regulations of Gene Editing
  1. The Future of Plant Breeging: High Throughput Gene Editing
    • Speaker - Norm Sissons, Senior Vice President – Seed & Traits, Cibus
  2. CFIA Gene Editing Updated Guidance and Clarification for Breeders
    • Plant Biosafety Office, CFIA, Government of Canada
  3. Questions/Discussion
4. Seeding Success: How Seeds Canada ensures effective introduction and adoption of plant breeding tools and trials
  1. Lauren Comin, Director of Policy, Seeds Canada
    1. Questions/Discussion
5. An Update from CFIA to the Variety Registration Recommending Committees in Canada
  1. Heather Ryan, Program Specialist, Variety Registration, CFIA
    1. Questions/Discussion
Vote on PGDC Executive "Member-at-Large" (Terms of Reference)

6. Adjourn for Lunch