The Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT) evaluates candidate cultivars of wheat, rye and triticale and, upon the request of the owner or designate, makes recommendations to the Variety Registration Office, Canadian Food Inspection Agency regarding the suitability of the candidate for registration.
For membership information, contact the PRCWRT Secretary at (403) 317-2238.
2024 Annual Meeting Agendas
PRCWRT Ratified Reforms
PRCWRT Ratified Reforms - July 2013 Document- PDFPRCWRT Evaluation Team Documents
Quality Evaluation Team Documents
Combined Wheat DoV Worksheet - v01Nov2022- XLSX
Cultivar Descriptions
The following downloadable pdf file lists all of the wheat, rye and triticale lines supported for registration by the PRCWRT (and previous WRT recommending committees) since 1944, along with pertinent information such as the registration name and number, market class, and the developing institution/company. Following cultivar registration, publication of the cultivar description is encouraged.
When available, the citation for the published, peer-reviewed description is provided along with a live link based on the doi. This file will be updated on an annual or more frequent basis.
WRT Recommendations Present to 1944 (21Nov2024)- PDFOverview of Praire Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT)
Operating Procedures
PRCWRT Operating Procedures - PRCWRT Operating Procedures - Approved 4Oct2023 - PDF
PRCWRT - Trial Conditions and Soil Properties - Template